Our Greenhouses are Bustin' with Blooms For Your Yard!
Whether a vegetable garden or flowerbed, Tree Top Nursery & Landscaping has everything you need to get it growing.

The smells of fresh flowers and the colorful budding of trees abound at Tree Top Nursery & Landscaping. As a true nursery, we actually grow many of our own plants right here in Sauk Centre, MN. Every Spring, from mid-February until late April, we spend a lot of time in our growing areas, garden center and greenhouses planting, seeding, potting, transplanting and uncovering plants.
Our "home grown" items include bedding plants, perennials, trees, and shrubs. Our knowledgeable staff - which includes a certified nurseryman - can tell you exactly which soil additives to use and the ideal way to plant each flower or shrub.
We Are Plant People
At Tree Top Nursery we have over 750 varieties of trees, shrubs, vines, fruits, evergreens, and perennials. And if that isn’t enough, we add new varieties of plants every year. No matter what look you’re striving to accomplish, we have something to offer you. Use our Plant Search tool to learn the specifics on the various plants we carry.

Flowers & Bedding Plants
- Perennials
- Annuals
- Ornamental Grasses
- Hanging Baskets
- Large Planter Combos

Trees & Shrubs
- Fruit Trees
- Shade Trees
- Small Ornamental Trees
- Dwarf Trees
- Shrubs
- Evergreens

Hard Goods
- Potting Soil & Fertilizers
- Gardening Tools
- Grass Seed (Sod by Special Order)
- Mulch, Rock & Stone
- Planters & Containers

Home & Garden Gifts
- Birdbaths, Feeders & Houses
- Trellises & Garden Supports
- Wind Chimes & Spinners
- Fountains
- Miniatures / Fairy Gardens
- And More!